Guide to the best strategy to play High Limit Blackjack

The best strategy to play high limit Blackjack will help reduce the house edge from 5% to a minimal 0.5%. If you are playing high stakes, the chances are that you know some strategy, but still some strategies or tips to remember are important. Most players use basic strategy chart as a stepping stone to understanding high-limit blackjack strategy. The basic strategy chart shows you how to play your first 2 cards based on the dealer’s “face-up” card.
Like if your first 2 cards are 3 and 5, you have a total of 8. The chart will instruct you to hit. You draw a 3 which totals 11. The chart then tells you to double on 11, but you are allowed to double on only your first 2 cards. Therefore, you must hit. The chart translation uses the word “otherwise.” So, if you had to translate this example it would say, “If you have 11 – double otherwise hit.”
Here are a few key terms you need to know before you get into the detail of each chart scenario:
- Stand: This means that you will keep your hand at its present value. You may stand at any given time. Once you are satisfied with your hand, you should click the stand button. When the dealer has completed his/her hand, the game will finish.
- Hit: If your first 2 cards are low, you can take another card from the deck to get closer to 21. Taking another card is called “hitting,” and you can continue to do this until you decide to stand or go bust.
- Double: When you are dealt your first 2 cards, you have the option to double. This means that the bet amount will be doubled, and you will be dealt 1 more card. The hand stands after the next card is dealt, so generally, a double is done when you have exceptionally good cards. You can also double after a split (see below). Doubling is not possible if you have been dealt a blackjack. If you lose, your entire bet amount is forfeited (the initial bet amount and the additional amount placed for the double option).
- Split: If you have 2 cards that have the same value, like two 10s, you can split the cards into 2 hands that are completely separated. You can do this with 2 aces if they are your first 2 cards. Once you split, you will be prompted to place an additional bet that is equal to your original bet.
- Insurance: This allows you to protect yourself from the dealer and his/her blackjack. If the dealer is showing an ace, you can insure your hand against the dealer’s blackjack. The insurance costs half of the bet amount and is an additional bet from the player. If the dealer has a blackjack, the insurance feature pays 2:1 and you will lose the initial bet. If the dealer doesn’t get a blackjack, you lose the insured bet and the game continues to be played for the initial bet amount. Insurance will not be offered to you if you get a blackjack.
- Surrender: This is basically the act of backing out of the game. You will have the option to surrender if you feel that your cards are not good enough for that hand. One half of your bet will be taken when you surrender. This decision also has to be made when your first 2 cards are dealt and prior to indicating if you want to split, stand, double or hit. The dealer also has to check if he/she has a blackjack before you can surrender. This action does not happen often, but it is imperative to understand what it means prior to implementing any game strategies.
1. Blackjack Hard Hands Strategy
This strategy shows you how to play high-limit blackjack when you have 2 cards that do not contain an ace. The rules are as follows:
If you have 8 or less, always ensure that you hit.
If you have 9, double if your dealer has 3 – 6, otherwise hit.
If you have 10, double if your dealer has 2 – 9, otherwise hit.
If you have 11, double if your dealer has 2 – 10, hit if your dealer has an ace.
If you have 12, double if your dealer has 2 or 3, stand if your dealer has 4 – 6, otherwise hit.
If you have 13 – 16, stand if your dealer has 2 – 6, otherwise hit.
If you have 17 – 21, always stand.
Remember that this strategy only works if you do not have an ace in your first 2 cards. If you have an ace, you will need to use a different strategy.
2. Blackjack Soft Hands Strategy
This strategy is the opposite of the above strategy. It dictates what you should do if your starting hand contains an ace.
If you have Ace 2 or Ace 3, double if your dealer has 5 or 6, otherwise hit.
If you have Ace 4 or Ace 5, double if your dealer has 4 – 6, otherwise hit.
If you have Ace 6, double if your dealer has 3 – 6, otherwise hit.
If you have Ace 7, double if your dealer has 3 – 6, stand if your dealer has 2, 7 or 8.
If you have Ace 8 or Ace 9, always stand.
You will notice that both the hard-hand and soft-hand strategies are from the same basic strategy chart but play out very differently. Most high-rollers memorize these rules when playing high-limit blackjack online.
3. Blackjack Pairs Strategy
This strategy explains what you should do if you have pairs in your first 2 cards. This is rare, but there is a much higher chance of this happening if the dealer is playing with more decks.
If you have a pair of aces or eights, always use the strategy of splitting.
If you have a 2 pair or 3 pair, split if your dealer has between 2 and 7, otherwise hit.
With a 4 pair, split if the dealer’s hand adds to 5/6, otherwise hit.
With a 5 pair, double if your dealer has 2 – 9, otherwise hit.
With a 6 pair, split if your dealer has 2 – 6, otherwise hit.
With a 7 pair, split if your dealer has 2 – 7, otherwise hit.
If you have a pair of 9s, stand if your dealer has 7, 10 or ace, and split if your dealer has 2 – 6, 8 or 9.
If you have a pair of 10s, always stand.
Try to incorporate flashcards into your learning experience when trying to memorize these rules. Once you have them in your memory, high-limit blackjack will be much easier to understand and play.
4. Blackjack Card Counting Strategy
This is one of the oldest blackjack strategies out there and it is designed to minimize losses and increase profits. This traditional strategy lets you keep track of what cards are dealt in a game. You can then find out when a deck favours the dealer and when a player has higher odds.
When counting, count dealt cards from 2 – 6 as +1 and cards 7 – 9 as 0. 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace are all counted as -1. You will be able to determine if the deck is full of small or high-value cards very early in the game. remember that card counting is not always possible at an online casino as the deck is reshuffled with each new hand, so test this out before implementing the strategy online.
Are there any risks to play High Limit Blackjack?
Without risk no gain if you really want to win something big. When playing a traditional table game like blackjack at high stakes, there is a completely new world of excitement that is unlocked. Because you bet bigger, you see huge results when you win. Wagered totals are much higher than regular blackjack, and beating the dealer in a high-stakes showdown is a real thrill.
There are wonderful online casinos like Rich casino that even offer live Blackjack tables with HD video feeds and live chat with dealers and players. This means that you don’t have to hit, stand or double by just clicking buttons—you can speak up and get right into the action. Live games are scheduled throughout the day and night, so you can play whenever suits you best. You can also gain access to live VIP tables, and online casinos often give high-rollers great bonuses.
Many casinos have VIP programs that grant high-limit players bonuses and freebies in the VIP lounge. Once you are an exclusive member, you will be able to withdraw more money, get a personal account manager and unlock special bonuses.
But the only risk to play high limit Blackjack is that if you don’t know the game well, or a beginner player avoid playing high limit Blackjack. Remember to play wisely and spend your more wisely at casinos. Without knowing the game or practicing it before you will lose therefore to play high limit tables you need to know the game play beforehand.